Efraín Toledo Santiago

Consumer Law and Advertising Regulation
We pride ourselves on being one of the most experienced Mexican firms and leaders in consulting in the consulting of Consumer Law, Advertising Regulation and Litigation material before the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office, attending more than 100 weekly hearings Before the Office of the Attorney General.
Consumer law is an area that is growing every day, due to the increasing intervention of the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office in the activity of companies, so our Firm has a high specialization in the attention of these issues. Our dealings with this institution include, among other things, the following:
1.- Review, elaboration and registration of accession contracts that require it.
2.- Consultation on compliance with Mexican Official Standards.
3.- Review and submission of authorization of product labels and obtaining the consequent offices of compliance with Mexican Official Standards applicable to multiple products.
4.- Immediate attention to verification and surveillance procedures, including product de-immobilizations.
5.- Attention to procedures for the imposition of stamps on commercial premises by PROFECO.
6.- Previous review of advertising campaigns before PROFECO to avoid sanctioning procedures.
7.- Attention of Administrative Procedures in advertising material before PROFECO.
8.- Presentation of Copy-Advice to the corresponding institutions for the previous review of advertising campaigns.
9.- We specialize in helping companies with the development of their products, from the time a novel idea arises until it is launched on the market, helping them with the regulatory part of the product, give the administrative, fiscal and commercial point of view.
10.- We are experts in advising companies on e-commerce, to obtain their necessary certification to appear in the lists published by the authority as a fulfilled company.
11.- We provide courses and training to the marketing areas of companies in relation to product development, development of advertising campaigns, updating in advertising regulation, e-commerce, among others.
Our firm distinguishes itself nationally for having done consulting and having litigated for some of the most important companies worldwide multiple advertising campaigns before the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office.
Within this activity, we currently provide consulting to our clients as to the compliance that the advertising of their products must follow so as not to violate the regulations and to deal with significant legal risks to the authorities in charge of their verification and surveillance.